Growth hacks to DOUBLE your email rates

2x your email rates → 16x your revenue
YES, you read that right!

Have your email rates flatlined?

Here’s the thing…

Email is an incredibly powerful tool, but most people don’t know how to unlock that power.

For most folk, they send out an email every week or month with no idea how it’s going to perform, worse still, they KNOW it will underperform.

If this is you…

You need 2x emails.

Why you need this course! ⚫

In this course we’re looking at the big stuff…

  • DOUBLE your email list
  • DOUBLE your opens
  • DOUBLE your clicks
  • 16x your sales conversions!

In that order, cos they flow in that order.

In my 2x emails course I dive into the factors that influence these rates, and give you tons of hacks to double them.

Oh yes!

So, let’s do some quick napkin math:

Current situation

  • Subscribers: 5,000
  • Open rate: 20% (1000)
  • Click-to-open rate: 10% (100
  • Sales conversions per email sent: 10% (10)
  • If sales value is $100 = $1k per email sent

When doubled

  • Subscribers: 10,000
  • Open rate: 40% (4000)
  • Click-to-open rate: 20% (800)
  • Sales conversions per email sent: 20% (160)
  • If sales value is $100 = $16k per email sent

Sounds groovy baby… that’s cos it is!

Every step of the flow affects the next, so by doubling the effectiveness of each touch point, you are generating 16x more revenue.

That’s a BIG deal.

So I’d argue this… no matter your situation, stage of growth, company size, list size or current engagement metrics.. you NEED this course. In fact, the more complacent you are and less you think you need this course… the more you really need it!

Here’s why…

If you have a list size of 100k then you’re gonna win big by implementing these tactics.

“Doug distills the fundamentals of email marketing.”

Chase Dimond

Top Ecomm email marketer

A complete bulletproof system for email marketing success 💥

The 2x emails course is a comprehensive training program containing long-term strategies and systems, quick-win hacks, templates and frameworks, plus an all-in-one notion workspace to help you double your email marketing results!

It’s the only email marketing course you’ll ever need. Fact.

BONUS: The 2x Emails course comes with with Email HQ – an all-in-one workspace for your email marketing

“Doug is the email GOAT!”

Emily Ryan

Email Marketing Strategist

What’s inside 2x Emails?

Module 1: Why 🤔

Why is email marketing so awesome? Cos it just works, out the box! This module looks at getting into the mindset so you can start creating your new email empire.

Featured lessons:

  • Owned vs rented audiences
  • Get into the creator mindset
  • How to get more done

Module 4: Deliverability hacks 📦

You don’t get an open unless your email actually gets delivered, and better still… to the inbox! This module gives you step by step process for optimum delivery.

Featured lessons:

  • Step by step setup process
  • How to authenticate your domain
  • Should you warmup your domains?

Module 7: Sales hacks 💰

Here we look at mindset as well as practical tactics, to help you double your sale conversions. By doubling your rates at each touchpoint, you gain an accumulative effect, resulting in 16x sales!

Featured lessons:

  • The reasons people buy, or don’t buy
  • How to create KILLER offers
  • How to build hype, and fear!
  • Ways to monetize your newsletter

Module 2: Prep for takeoff 🚀

Profile your ideal subscriber, and start planning your email schedule. After this module, you’ll have a clear plan of attack and know what you’re writing, and who for.

Featured lessons:

  • Create a subscriber avatar
  • Define your purpose
  • How to create a content waterfall
  • Create your own category!

Module 5: Open rate hacks ⚡

This module dives into some long-term strategies as well as quickfire hacks, each one designed to help you ramp up your email open rates.

Featured lessons:

  • How and when to purge your data
  • When to send your emails
  • Subject lines, previews and sender names


The 2x Emails course comes with with Email HQ – an all-in-one workspace for your email marketing.

Module 3: List growth hacks 📈

In 18 lessons, you’ll have a growth plan to attract fresh subscribers into your list on autopilot.

Featured lessons:

  • How to enrich and acquire subscribers
  • My fave growth hacks
  • My welcome series
  • My social post framework

Module 6: Click rate hacks 👇

In 36 lessons, this module breaks down some tried and tested hacks, as well as some experimental ones, to help you write copy that converts.

Featured lessons:

  • How to make your copy flow
  • How to write copy that converts
  • Frameworks and templates to copy
  • Formats and structures to use

Module 1: Why 🤔

Why is email marketing so awesome? Cos it just works, out the box! This module looks at getting into the mindset so you can start creating your new email empire.

Featured lessons:

  • Owned vs rented audiences
  • Get into the creator mindset
  • How to get more done

Module 2: Prep for takeoff 🚀

Profile your ideal subscriber, and start planning your email schedule. After this module, you’ll have a clear plan of attack and know what you’re writing, and who for.

Featured lessons:

  • Create a subscriber avatar
  • Define your purpose
  • How to create a content waterfall
  • Create your own category!

Module 3: List growth hacks 📈

In 18 lessons, you’ll have a growth plan to attract fresh subscribers into your list on autopilot.

Featured lessons:

  • How to enrich and acquire subscribers
  • My fave growth hacks
  • My welcome series
  • My social post framework

Module 4: Deliverability hacks 📦

You don’t get an open unless your email actually gets delivered, and better still… to the inbox! This module gives you step by step process for optimum delivery.

Featured lessons:

  • Step by step setup process
  • How to authenticate your domain
  • Should you warmup your domains?

Module 5: Open rate hacks ⚡

This module dives into some long-term strategies as well as quickfire hacks, each one designed to help you ramp up your email open rates.

Featured lessons:

  • How and when to purge your data
  • When to send your emails
  • Subject lines, previews and sender names

Module 6: Click rate hacks 👇

In 36 lessons, this module breaks down some tried and tested hacks, as well as some experimental ones, to help you write copy that converts.

Featured lessons:

  • How to make your copy flow
  • How to write copy that converts
  • Frameworks and templates to copy
  • Formats and structures to use

Module 7: Sales hacks 💰

Here we look at mindset as well as practical tactics, to help you double your sale conversions. By doubling your rates at each touchpoint, you gain an accumulative effect, resulting in 16x sales!

Featured lessons:

  • The reasons people buy, or don’t buy
  • How to create KILLER offers
  • How to build hype, and fear!
  • Ways to monetize your newsletter


The 2x Emails course comes with with Email HQ – an all-in-one workspace for your email marketing.

“Doug knows how to get great results from email.”

Matthew Smith

Founder, Really Good Emails

2x Emails 👍


The 2x Emails course gives you…

  • 7 modules
  • 127 lessons
  • One-time payment – no subscriptions
  • Instant access
  • Lifetime enrollment
  • All future updates included


Email HQ: an all-in-one Notion workspace for your email marketing, with custom dashboards for the following:

  • 📈 KPI tracker
  • 🎯 Campaign log
  • 💩 Ideas log
  • 🔥 Testing log
  • ✅ Pre-send checklist
  • 💌 Email copy templates
  • 📫 Social post templates
  • 💪 Email boilerplates
  • 🔒 Subscriber list backups
  • 🚀 Course progress tracker

Lock in this price now, in 2025 I’m raising this to $497

The Kickstarter bundle ⚡


The Kickstarter bundle gives you lifetime access to the 2x Emails course, PLUS the Kickstarter Program. Giving you…

A deep dive review, looking at…


  • Deliverability rates
  • Sender Score
  • Domain reputation
  • Blacklists
  • List growth over the past 90 days
  • Subscriber acquisition by source
  • Website and landing pages
  • Opt in forms
Content = Review your last 3 emails, looking at:
  • Design and layout
  • Copy and CTAs
  • Open and click rates

A 60-min strategy session to…

  • Discuss my review
  • Discuss growth levers
  • Answer your questions

A 90-day action plan

I’ll follow up the call with a checklist action plan with specific changes to make, such as:

  • Ways to grow your email list
  • How to deliver more emails
  • When to send your emails
  • Tests to deploy to improve results 
  • How to write better subject lines
  • Changes to your copy to get more clicks
  • How to write and position CTAs

“I call Doug “The Email Ninja”

Andrew King

Founder @ Email Love

FAQs? 🤔

What's the course format?

If you’re like me, you’ll get frustrated with most video-based courses, as the host skips through ‘powerpoint’ slides and waffles on, meaning you need to pause the videos to read the slides, and if you ever want to go back to a specific key takeaway you need to rewatch a bunch of videos just to find the thing you were looking for.

So, as this course is less on theory and more on practical application, the format will be mainly text based, with a few videos and downloads here and there.

How much does this course cost?

My goal with this course is to make it as accessible as I can, whilst still charging enough to keep you accountable. The full price of the course is $297, with an optional upgrade to the ‘awesome plan’

Who is this course for?

This course is primarily designed at people in a marketing role, as the core content is centered around creating and sending email campaigns and they are generally the people who do this day to day, but really, it’s for anyone looking to double their email engagement and take their email game up to the next level.

How long do I have access to the course materials?

You will have access to all the course materials FOREVER.

Couldn't I just learn all this myself?

Well… you could, but chances are you’ve tried to make email work for you and hit a brick wall. Between the hours it would take you to aggregate all of the free stuff and the headaches… The $997 is well worth the investment!

Can this really work for me?

You might be thinking… sure this works for other people. But my situation is unique. I can assure you that over the past 20 years, I’ve helped thousands of marketers tap into the growth potential of email marketing. No matter your background, experience, goals, or circumstances, this course will help you.

Can I get a refund?

Due to the text-based nature of this course, and the fact that once we give you access to the Notion template, you can simply copy it and save it for yourself, we cannot offer refunds for this course.

What if I have more questions?

Send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Hi, I’m Doug 👋

I launched MailNinja back in 2005 – one of the first 100% email marketing agencies – and grew this to the #1 Mailchimp expert in the world. In fact, Mailchimp call me Dr Email!

I quit Mailchimp back in 2021, and now live in Somerset by the sea, where I write about email marketing and produce courses and apps.

Over the decades, I've worked with some awesome global brands:

I've been featured in...


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By doing so you’ll get a few emails introducing myself and learn about the 2x emails course.

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