How to hack together a lead magnet

July, 30, 2024

newsletter signup (new)

Want to grow your email list?

= create a lead magnet 🧲

One of the fastest ways I’ve managed to grow my list from 0-27k is by ‘dangling the carrot’ and enticing people in with a lead magnet. I have two; my email preview tool and my email blueprint (coming in 2 weeks time).

The preview tool is responsible for driving 30-50 email subscribers into my list every. single. day. This stuff works!

This video shows you how to easily hack together a PDF lead magnet to drive people into your list.

If you want to be an email ninja, then stay tuned for next week’s email, where I give you 5 tips to raise your email game ⚡


P.S. if you use Mailchimp, this tool can save you up to 80% (no joke)