Doug’s email growth blueprint

September, 23, 2024

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Ahoy matey, it’s ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day‘ today, so don your best Cap Jack accent and let’s do this…

This week’s email looks at my email growth blueprint.

I’ve developed and refined this blueprint over 2 decades, and is the same playbook I use every day to master the inbox.

Sure, this system stretches beyond email itself, but email is the core of what I do – everything spins off from my newsletter!

But, before we begin, let’s answer some WHYs.

Why marketing?

I’m not sure I need to sell the benefits of marketing to you [FNAME], other than to say that marketing (email, social, search etc) is the gas for your business engine.

Why email?

Email has one of the highest ROIs of any marketing channel

Newsletters are cool again (oh yeh)

Email is cheap in comparison to social and search ads

You reach your audience’s inbox instead of getting lost in a flood of posts in a social feed

Plus, you OWN your audience…

I could go on!

Why systems?

Systems are the glue that hold everything together.

Without a system you have chaos and disorder, and unless you’re the Joker, that is not a good thing.

Now we’ve had the trailer, let’s watch the movie.
