Level up your email marketing game

My Kickstarter Program will give you the ammo needed to execute killer emails and get awesome results… fast.

Get with the program

Chances are, you’re sending emails with varying results.

Sometimes you hit gold, sometimes it falls flat.

But… what’s the reason?

I’ve been in the email game for 20 years, and have sent a gazillion emails for brands all over the world and my own newsletter. One of my last emails got a 57% open rate, and that’s not down to guesswork.

You can keep trying to make things work, try things out for yourself, and spend years, or, buy my Kickstarter program and leap over the roadblocks and boost your email engagement rates in minutes!

What’s included?

A deep dive review

First up, I’ll run my checklist, looking at your:


  • Deliverability rates
  • Sender Score
  • Domain reputation
  • Blacklists
  • List growth over the past 90 days
  • Subscriber acquisition by source
  • Website and landing pages
  • Opt in forms
Content = Review your last 3 emails, looking at:
  • Design and layout
  • Copy and CTAs
  • Open and click rates

A 60-min strategy session

When I’ve conducted my review, I’ll run some dates and times past you to book in your review session. We’ll do intros, discuss my findings, and give you the chance to ask questions.
On our 60-min strategy session we will…
  • Discuss my review
  • Discuss growth levers
  • Answer your questions

A 90-day action plan

I’ll follow up the call with a checklist action plan with specific changes to make, such as:
  • Ways to grow your email list
  • How to deliver more emails
  • When to send your emails
  • Tests to deploy to improve results 
  • How to write better subject lines
  • Changes to your copy to get more clicks
  • How to write and position CTAs
… and SO much more!

The Kickstarter Program ⚡


A deep dive review, looking at…


  • Deliverability rates
  • Sender Score
  • Domain reputation
  • Blacklists
  • List growth over the past 90 days
  • Subscriber acquisition by source
  • Website and landing pages
  • Opt in forms
Content = Review your last 3 emails, looking at:
  • Design and layout
  • Copy and CTAs
  • Open and click rates

A 60-min strategy session to…

  • Discuss my review
  • Discuss growth levers
  • Answer your questions

A 90-day action plan

I’ll follow up the call with a checklist action plan with specific changes to make, such as:

  • Ways to grow your email list
  • How to deliver more emails
  • When to send your emails
  • Tests to deploy to improve results 
  • How to write better subject lines
  • Changes to your copy to get more clicks
  • How to write and position CTAs

Hi, I’m Doug 👋

I launched MailNinja back in 2005 – one of the first 100% email marketing agencies – and grew this to the #1 Mailchimp expert in the world. In fact, Mailchimp call me Dr Email!

I quit Mailchimp back in 2021, and now live in Somerset by the sea, where I write about email marketing and produce courses and apps.

Over the decades, I've worked with some awesome global brands:

I've been featured in...


Not sure where to start? Start here.

First, subscribe to my weekly newsletter.

By doing so you’ll get a few emails introducing myself and learn about the 2x emails course.

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Enjoy my latest reads 🤓

Here are my latest newsletters, enjoy!